Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Introductions: Jenny and Matt

The Melbourne GAFCON delegates are writing this blog to keep (mostly Melbourne) people updated on what happens at the conference. Please feel free to comment on what we write: the discussion forum on the MASG site is a great place to do that (there's a link on the right hand side of this page). We hope to respond to questions and discussions there during
the conference (internet access permitting) and certainly afterwards.

To begin with, we'd like to introduce ourselves. I'm Jenny George. I am a member of St James' Old Cathedral in West Melbourne and a lay delegate to GAFCON. I am a member of the Board of Nominators for Melbourne diocese and on the Board of Ridley Melbourne, Mission and Ministry College. During the week I'm a faculty member at the University of Melbourne. My husband, Matt Williams, is also attending and I'm hoping that he'll do quite a bit of blogging while we're there.

GAFCON starts on June 22nd in Jerusalem. When we signed up in April it seemed quite a long way away but now we have less than six weeks left. The plane tickets are bought and travel plans are made. I haven't been to Jerusalem before so I'm gathering info about what to see and do.

I am looking forward to meeting people from around the world at GAFCON and finding out what life is like for them. I'm excited at the fantastic ministry going on in Africa, where the church is growing tremendously. I hope we get the chance to talk with people from there and ask them about what God is doing in their countries. GAFCON will also be an opportunity to meet people from churches in North America who are finding ministry difficult. Most of all, I hope GAFCON is a time when we talk and pray about unity and not division.