GAFCON is an amazing event, and it's such an amazing experience to be here as a pilgrim or delegate. More than ever, I'm convinced that the true value of such events is the opportunity it gives us to have our vision of what God is doing all over the world enlarged. I've met so many top-value sisters and brothers in Christ. Let me give you a quick snapshot:
I'm in the Theological Education workshop stream. In my small group are Mike Ovey, principal of Oak Hill (UK) and Cezar Guzman, director of Centro de Estudios Pastorales (Chile). Also in the stream is Tim Wambunya, principal of Carlile College (Nairobi). These three lead the workshop and it's been tremendously stimulating and challenging. I can't tell you anything else about the stream because there is media embargo! But suffice to say that I'm getting to know and discuss meaty issues with many others involved in theolgical formation of future leaders from all over the world. It's great stuff!
Delegates are spread all over the city in several hotels, for reasons of security and space - apparently GAFCON is taking up 20% of the hotel rooms in Jerusalem this week. I'm in a hotel 30 minutes from the conference venue with maybe 50 others from various countries, including the US, Nigeria, UK, NZ, Canada. I've met five people here who regard Alf Stanway as a 'saint' because of his work in establishing the Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pittsburgh. That Ridley connection has been a fantastic springboard into conversations about their ministries and training for ministry.
Please pray for delegates - that we will continue to meet and make connections with the people that the Lord wants us to.