By now, you will be able to read the Gafcon statement on the official Gafcon website. See the links on the side of this page.
I'm really happy with the Jerusalem Declaration. As a statement of orthodox Anglican belief I think it is great and should be helpful. The rest of the statement is good. I'm sure that it will be possible for people to disagree about some of the specifics set out in the "Road Ahead" - we probably all have a different ideas about how we would deal tactically with the current situation! However I'm pleased that it does not split the church. It's very good that the Australian church will not be asked to take sides. And yet it does make quite definite advances in bringing order to the relatively chaotic situation in North America. All the delegates I talked to from parishes in the USA and Canada were happy with the outcome. Actually they were mostly quite overcome.
I'll be checking the discussion forum every day or so, happy to talk about this more there with anyone who's interested.