Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Church of England GAFCON briefing

Today Richard Trist and I attended a GAFCON briefing for incumbents, that is vicars and rectors, of the Church of England. The invitation came from a group of nearly 50 incumbents from across a range of churchmanship styles. There were just under 800 attenders, packing out All Souls' Langham Place for the day.

Speakers for the day were Archbishops Henry Orombi of Uganda, Greg Venables of the Southern Cone and Peter Jensen of Sydney, and Dr J. I. Packer - formerly of New Westminster, now a priest of the Southern Cone and Argentina. Each spoke about Anglican Orthodoxy and various aspects of the GAFCON experience.

It was a power-packed day! I had not worshipped at All Souls' before, but it was quite an experience to be in close proximity with 800 believers, all singing with gusto 'In Christ Alone' and 'Lord of the Church'. I prayed at several times in the day with a Ugandan vicar in exile and an elderly ex-missionary to Africa and the Middle East lady who were sitting next to me. As the speakers presented their talks, each was greeted and then thanked with incredible wholehearted sustained applause. Jim Packer got an extended standing ovation.

What really struck me was the range of people there, how wide a representation there was in the group, and how thoughtful and concerned they were about what is unfolding in the Anglican Communion. Richard and I, debriefing later, considered that it was so different to the Melbourne scene where many orthodox believers are apathetic towards our corporate life.

The final talk, by Peter Jensen, was insightful, passionate and prophetic. It is perhaps the best I've heard from him as a leader of orthodox faith and practice. It was not without great emotion and crystal clear thinking.

The good news is that all the talks and sessions will be available on the site in due course. It may also be put up on the site so check there as well. Check them out!

There will be an opportunity to hear a report from Jenny George and I at St Alfred's Anglican Church, Blackburn North (worshipping in Old Orchard Primary School, Koonung Road) on 13 July at the 6pm service. Q&A and extended prayer to follow after the service and a short break. An EFAC briefing is also planned for a few weeks later. Please do come along to hear our first hand account, pray and think together about what this means for the Diocese of Melbourne and our ministries.

Grace and peace in Christ,