Hello! My name is Wei-Han and I'm also going to GAFCON. I blame my mother for giving me too many names, so some of you also know me as Jonathan (that's okay, that's what my wife Valerie calls me). I'm a research student at Ridley Melbourne writing a history of evangelicalism in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne and a very part-time curate at St Alfred's Blackburn North. I also do a bit of teaching at Ridley and around the place.
After GAFCON I'm going on to England where I will attend the EFAC International pre-Lambeth conference. I'm doing this in my capacity as editor of Essentials, the quarterly journal of EFAC Australia.
I think both conferences will be opportunities to meet with others who are committed to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Anglican Church's part in that mission. Like the other Melbourne delegates, I'm nervous about the impression that GAFCON is schismatic or anti-Lambeth.
I'm hoping to hear lots of great stories about people coming to know and serve Christ, lots of helpful ideas for evangelism and church planting, and lots of encouraging stories about ongoing church reform. I especially want to meet and get to know younger leaders who will be serving the Anglican Church over the next few decades.
I don't really like travel or being away from family - so please pray for me! This will be my first time to those parts of the world, and I'm grateful to the Lord for my supporters who have encouraged me, and are paying for me, to go.